4 Ways to Prevent Loading Ramps from Sliding

When using a forklift ramp, railcar loading ramp, or other mobile loading ramp, sliding is a significant safety hazard. Any sudden movement during operation can drastically increase the risk of an accident when handling materials or using equipment, so it is crucial to understand how to minimize the risk of sliding. As a leading provider of high-quality portable loading docks, the team at Dura-Ramp knows how important safety is for every operation. That is why we have compiled a list of 4 ways to prevent loading ramps from sliding and maintain a high level of safety during use.

Preventing Loading Ramps from Sliding


Learn about some common loading ramp safety hazards.

4 Tips to Prevent Loading Ramps from Sliding

To minimize the risk of sliding when using your loading ramp, you should always:

1. Engage Wheel Locks

Some heavy-duty loading ramps feature wheeled bases or other systems to enhance portability and make setup easier. When setting these ramps in place, it is crucial to ensure that wheel locks and other locking systems are engaged to prevent movement. This will help to prevent movement when driving a forklift onto the ramp.

2. Know Your Rated Weight Capacity

Exceeding the rated weight capacity of a loading ramp can quickly lead to a variety of safety issues including accelerated wear, broken platforms, and sliding. Before using your loading ramp, you will need to account for the combined weight of personnel, equipment, and materials during operation. If this combined weight exceeds the rated capacity of a ramp, you will need to use lighter equipment or transport smaller loads.

3. Operate on a Flat Surface

The surface you operate on will drastically influence safety when using a mobile loading ramp. When setting up your portable loading ramp, you will need to place it on a flat and solid surface. Softer surfaces such as mud, snow, and gravel should be avoided even if they are relatively flat as they can shift under the weight of equipment and loads. Flat concrete is the optimal surface for portable loading ramps as it minimizes the risk of shifting during operation.

4. Avoid Extreme Weather

Excessive rain, snow, and ice can greatly increase the risk of sliding when loading or unloading a vehicle. If possible, place your loading ramp in a covered area or avoid these weather conditions. If the operation must continue, consider using additional bracing and chains to further reduce the risk of movement.

To learn more about portable loading ramps and safe operating techniques, reach out to the team at Dura-Ramp. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our products.

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