Loading Ramp Safety Tips for Winter

As the weather continues to cool down and winter arrives, it is crucial to be mindful of the various hazards associated with the season. This is especially true for operations that utilize mobile loading ramps, forklift ramps, or yard ramps, as these units can become icy, slippery, and hazardous without proper care and preparation. As a leading provider of quality mobile loading ramps for operations of all sizes, the team at Dura-Ramp knows how hazardous winter can be. That is why we have compiled a list of loading ramp safety tips for winter to help you minimize the risk of an accident or injury while on the job and keep your operation running smoothly.

Winter Ramp Safety Tips


Learn about some effective mobile loading ramp storage tips.

3 Tips to Safely Use Your Loading Ramp Throughout Winter

Between the increased darkness and slippery surfaces that come with wintertime, there are many safety concerns to consider. To ensure that your operation continues to run smoothly and safely during winter, keep the following tips in mind:

1. Maintain a High Level of Visibility

Days are much shorter in winter, meaning that you will have far less natural light to work with. Visibility is crucial when using a portable loading ramp, so you will need to take additional steps to ensure that operators can completely see their surroundings and work area. To achieve this, you may need to utilize portable lighting equipment or change your operating schedule to ensure that you always have enough natural light to get the job done safely. Regardless of the chosen method, it is crucial to ensure that forklift operators, truck drivers, and other workers always have complete visibility.

2. Keep Your Ramp Clear of Snow and Ice

While a high-quality loading ramp can be used in poor weather conditions such as rain, snow and ice can still cause problems if they build up. Too much snow or ice on a ramp can create a slippery surface, which can be a hazard for both forklifts and foot traffic. Make sure that your ramp is regularly cleared of snow and ice to minimize the risk of a slip, trip, or fall. When removing ice, you will need to use products that will not deteriorate the ramp’s finish and use caution when shovelling snow or scraping ice away.

3. Cover Your Ramp and Store it Properly

Proper loading ramp storage is crucial for reducing snow and ice buildup throughout winter. When your loading ramp is not in use, a waterproof cover should be placed over the ramp. If possible, your ramp should also be stored under cover as this will further reduce the risk of snow and ice buildup. It is important to note that ice can still potentially form on ramps even if they are covered and stored properly, so be sure to inspect your ramp carefully before every use.

To learn more about portable loading ramps and winter ramp safety, reach out to the team at Dura-Ramp. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our products or the details of your operation.

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