Recommended Ramp Maintenance

Dura-Ramp MobileSome ramps can see many hours of use in a week with different weather and work conditions. In order to get the most out of your ramp, it is important to take good care of it. Even though we build our loading ramps to the best of today’s safety standards, it is still important to do maintenance from time to time to ensure that safety is not compromised.


Our loading ramps are made with bar grate decking to give you maximum traction and allow debris to fall through. But watch out for large materials that may fall during use. Cardboard can rest on top of the grate and create a slippery surface if not dealt with. Take a look at the ramp before use and pick up anything that could get in the way.

If you have a wood deck ramp, it is important that you are giving your ramp a good sweep weekly, depending on the work environment. Collection of dirt and debris from equipment and foot traffic can make the surface bumpy and slippery. If dirt is not properly dealt with, the next rainfall could create a muddy platform for equipment and workers to slide on.


Depending on how often you are adjusting your ramp, it is good to grease your adjustable legs. This will help you lift and lower your portable loading ramp with ease. If you leave it too long, you can end up using more energy changing heights then you need to.

Tire Pressure

For those of you with our mobile loading ramps, its good to check your tire pressure regularly. Moving your ramp around will become more difficult if the tires are not properly inflated. Your wheel well can also become damaged during moving if the tire is deflated and rolling on the metal rim.

We build our ramps with safety in mind and to give you the best efficiency for your business. Make sure you do regular maintenance on your deck to keep your investment working great and to its full capacity. If you have any other questions, please contact us at 1.877.820.1333.

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